
Finding Common Ground: The Global Warming Debate

By Dusty Dirt
Global Warming is one of the most controversial issues in recent history. Many Environmentalists which include citizens, politicians (mostly liberal democrats), and political/non-profit organizations such as Greenpeace maintain that Global Warming is caused by the over consumption of coal, oil, and other toxic chemicals. Some scientific evidence supports these claims, but there is also some scientific evidence to support claims from skeptics of Global Warming who believe that rising temperatures and climate change around the world is part of the Earth’s natural cycle. Skeptics of Global Warming are usually conservative republicans who think Global Warming is merely part of the liberal agenda, and that the world does not need to make such dramatic reforms to industrial laws in order to protect the environment and halt climate change.
People at both sides of the issue have very passionate opinions and evidence that either proves that Global Warming is a problem that must be dealt with now or that Global Warming is not as big of a problem that it is hyped up to be. Neither the skeptics of Global Warming nor proponents have enough solid evidence to prove or debunk each other’s claims. The proponents truly believe that they are fighting for a good cause that will save the Earth and create a cleaner environment for future generations. On the other hand, skeptics of Global Warming and Climate Change are not necessarily apathetic and hate the environment as many Environmentalists may like to believe. Since there is no adequate proof to support the claims of either side, the next best thing for everyone is to decide on a “happy medium”  and find a common denominator that both parties can agree on.

Most people, regardless of their political affiliation or stance on Global Warming and the environment, do not like seeing trash lying around when they go on a trip to the mountains or the beach, or in their home town for that matter. If you ask around, most people would probably say that they desire clean air, water, and food free of toxins and poisons. Most people would agree that humanity needs to make some changes to make the planet a cleaner and healthier place.  If you asked those same people if they believed that Global Warming is a threat to the health of our planet and children's’ future, fewer would agree with each other about what side of the issue is wrong or right. Humanity in general has come a long way with how we treat each other and the planet since the dark ages. The vast changes many cultures and societies have already made to enhance the quality of life proves that most people these days want what is positive and best for their friends, families, and neighbors

Technological advancement is one modern achievement that has improved the quality of life around the globe. The heated debate over Global Warming would not be as much of an issue if people could agree that we should use green technologies simply to ensure that we have access to clean energy, water, and air now. Instead of attempting to force industries to accept strict environmental standards, those who believe Global Warming is a problem might have better results if they spent their time, money, and energy trying to influence people on a public level. Middle class and poor people cannot afford solar panels and wind turbines. Urban and low-economic cities and towns severely lack environmental reforms and action. Also, education and public awareness about the environment is a side issue that is not often discussed. Until one side of the Global Warming issue has enough substantial evidence to completely debunk the other side’s stance, there will always be a reason for raising questions and debate.Change rarely happens overnight, unless there is a critical mass of people that agrees on making any change.

"Finding Common Ground" is a series of editorial articles that are intended to present a non-biased approach to important and controversial topics and current events around the world. The ultimate goal of these articles is to encourage people to critically think about solutions that could be discovered by making rational examinations of perspectives and opinions from all sides of controversial issues. I welcome any questions, comments and contributions. Thank You. --Dusty Dirt.   

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Lying By Omission: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments

“For the most part, doctors and civil servants simply did their jobs. Some merely followed orders, others worked for the glory of science.” 
- Dr John Heller, Director of the Public Health Service's Division of Venereal Diseases

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment is a prime example of scientists taking the easy route regardless of the harmful and negative effects research can have on people and living things. I have heard references to the Tuskegee Experiments in regards to racism and minority abuse in the past, but never looked into it in depth until now. I do not remember hearing about this in High School, and I have never seen any documentaries on television, or have seen any news articles. I also do not remember Bill Clinton apologizing to five of the eight surviving members. Stories about minority abuse and mistreatment rarely make it to the front page, and if they do they do not stay there for long, and are hardly ever talked about again.

I have also heard of the conspiracy theory that AIDS was invented in a laboratory to further reduce the Black population. I have not looked into that issue too deep either, but I have seen what the AIDS virus looks like on a microscopic level, and it appears to be something that was constructed. The US government also conducted this experiment in Guatemala, and there they used 696 men. This experiment was conducted of forty years and during a time of blatant racism in the United States.

I would like to believe that as a society we have moved past that, but I am not sure because the overall black population continues to decline in America, and there is evidence that in the 1980’s the CIA purposely made crack cocaine readily available to African Americans. This issue goes beyond informed consent. This is more of an issue that no race or person anywhere should ever have to such a racist and despicable experiment. The mainstream media should also be put to shame for not giving more attention to issues like this.     


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