
Defective Children- Traitors

Bradley Manning- Traitor

Rally in support of Bradley Manning on August ...
Rally in support of Bradley Manning on August 8, 2010, in Quantico, Virginia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This isn't a protest song and I am not Bradley Manning. Weather or not it makes you a true patriot I don't know, but I never joined the military, and I also never felt like I was somehow superior with my ideas for opposing the military industrial complex. My opinions and thoughts are usually focused more on abstract paradigms and silently observing events in nature.

English: Slogan for the support of the persecu...
English: Slogan for the support of the persecuted American ex-soldier who is claimed to have leaked secret documents to WikiLeaks Deutsch: Slogan für die Unterstützung und Freilassung von Bradley Manning, der beschuldigt wird, geheime Dokumente an WikiLeaks weitergegeben zu haben (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Political debates are annoying to me, and more often than not it seems like people have a really hard time finding common ground on any important issue. I prefer to avoid familiar territory with lyrics and cliche subjects for song writing, but lately the air has become so thick with bullshit, and it's difficult to hold back.

I don't know if this song or anything I ever wrote will ever make a difference, anywhere for anyone. I just hope that maybe I can help spread the word a little. People should know that Bradly Manning and many others are being unjustly charged and imprisoned for leaking info about war-crimes and violations of the 4th amendment (Right to Privacy) and other autonomous rights Americans are supposed to have, but never really did.

Defective Children- Traitors
Cameras on every corner 
Drones spying from the sky
Almost everything is tracked online

People get hung out to dry 
If they’re sworn to secrecy and 
Leak the truth even if it ends up saving lives

All ye Traitors will learn to obey and abide by
The New World law and order, there’s no mercy for your kind 
Or sympathy for anyone, who doesn’t kill for our side
All ye Traitors to the system must die.

Nothing’s new, we always 
Knew security works at it’s best 
When it is pirating your right to privacy

Protecting freedom for the 
Masses means a few Good men 
Take the fall for truth and transparency

All ye Traitors will be tortured,
Indicted for treason like Bradley Manning
Yes, we can violate, and take away your rights
Ultimately our goal is total control over your body and mind 
All ye Rebel Traitors will surrender or die.

We don’t give a shit
About the establishment
Never cease the fight to resist

The US Government 
Will be exposed for what it is 
By military and civilian dissidents

I am a Traitor if it means 
You want me to hide war crimes and
Injustice against anyone who selflessly risks their life 
And gives up everything to spill the beans and drop a dime 
All ye Traitors of Humanity must die.
English: Protest against the imprisonment of B...
English: Protest against the imprisonment of Bradley Manning, Fort Snelling, Minnesota, March 2011 Deutsch: Protest gegen die Inhaftierung Bradley Mannings, Fort Snelling, Minnesota im März 2011 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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