
The Dusty Dirt Punk Radio Podcast Ep.1 Fuck Work!

So here we go! I Finished the first Dusty Dirt Punk Radio Podcast last night, it could have been uploaded a few days ago, but I was hoping to get one more song from a band I wont mention 'cuz I don't want to embarrass them (the Cheated). I plan on doing another "Work" related Podcast in the near future so hopefully by then I'll have their song "Work," it's a great song to say the least.
Anyway enough ripping on the Cheated for now, in fact if it wasn't for bands like the Cheated I might not know what work really means. See, not too long ago, I thought "work" meant busting your ass doing something you don't like, so you can buy shit you kind of like, with money. The work you're doing, time and labor you put in go to make profit for someone else, and a the money you earn goes right back into the pockets of someone else, who is already making a profit, so it stays there, but you're pockets always seem to be empty...... (more after the track list)
Intro Mash-Up-- Fuck Work 
1. Doom- Beat The Boss 
2 9-5 Ramones 
3. Operation Cliff Clavin- Call In Sick 
4. I've Had It- Black Flag 
5. Wake Up- Faith and Failure 
6. Dystopia- Socialized Death Sentence 
7. Chelsea Right To Work
8. Career Opportunities- The Clash 
9. Devo - 'Workin in Coal Mine
10. A Global Threat - Work or War
11. Goddamn Job- Off With Their Heads- 
12. Take this Job- Dead Kennedys
13. Clock In, Clock Out- Fecal- 
14. Depression- Work all Day 
15. MITB- Work To Death 
16. Pipe Bomb- 16 Tons 
17. Machine- Black Flag 
Talk Break 
17. Gotta Get a Job- One Man Running 
18. Fifteen- Family Values 
19. Work Song- Krieg Kopf 
20. The Job That Ate My Brain- Ramones 
21. Fuck Work- Other
22. Too Many ELO Days- Timeshares
23. Talkin' Hard Work- Woody Guthrie 
Talk Break 
24. Quit Your Job- Chixdiggit 
25. Clock in- Black Flag
26. Working Men are Pissed- The Minutemen 
25. Did You Know?- Fifteen 
26. All Time Low- Defective Children 
END BUMPER Mash-Up-- They Stole Our Jobs! 9-5 Dolly Parton

After years of playing in bands and struggling to remain independent from corporate America, I started to realize that the "work" we do at our daily grind, is in fact not real work at all. On the other end of the spectrum, right brained, creative activities are not considered a persons life-work by many people, but are mostly defined as hobbies and thing you do when you are done with "work" for the day.This narrow attitude about work and jobs in American society marginalizes many of those who's greatest talents are creative-right-brained musical and artistic abilities.

To be completely candid, the main reason I titled my first podcast "Fuck Work!" is because I'm sick and tired of hearing people brag about how great their jobs are, or how much they hate their jobs. If you work and have a great job/career with the golden handcuffs, retirement, stocks, and all that jazz, well good for you, but I got some news for you: No one really gives a half a shit, and in my opinion you're awesome full-time job is worthless if you do nothing outside of that to help people that are less fortunate. If you don't like your job, then you must understand that you can remove yourself from any situation you do not feel comfortable in. Maybe you should think about if  the job is worth the stress it causes and time you are forced to spend away from family, children, and friends, while instead spending most of the day with asshole bosses, customers and co-workers.

I have much much more to say about the topic of work and jobs but I'll just freeze it there for now. One more thing though, I know that many people take pride in their work and like the people they work with, and their boss. There are some decent employers out there, I think that the most important point I want to highlight is that when you work, you shouldn't feel like a slave or like there is no hope for a better alternative to your current occupation. I think that the world would be a much happier place if people could find real intrinsic value in the work they do for that steady pay-check. A lot of people just work for material gain, and find extrinsic value in their work. It seems that many of those types of people don't really care how hard or fucked up the job is, they just do it because they have this overwhelming drive to survive. To them, extrinsic rewards are worth putting up with the stresses of day-to-day workplace issues and drama. 

In the upcoming Dusty Dirt Punk Radio Podcasts, I want to try to talk more about the theme, or topic or the show. I am just getting used to recording voice only and talking into a microphone rather than singing, I have plans to do some interviews, discussions, and a bit of sketch comedy which I would like to work on writing with other people. I have to of course, give a big thanks to all the friend and fans who supported this podcast from it's conception. I'm attempting to do two podcasts a week right now, this week I will be putting together Episode 2 "Fuck You!" and Episode 3 with the working title "Violent Night"- an all-request Christmas edition of the podcast,  it will be my gift to all of you!!  Anything you want me to play, I will play it! Even if I think it sucks Rhinoceros Nuts!!!! --Dusty Dirt
Facebook Page.... Like It!!
On Mixcloud!

Fuck Work Ep. 1 
Intro and Outro Audio Mash-Ups........
Intro- "Fuck Work" Mash-up 1

Outro- "9 to 5, They Stole Our Jobs!"

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Upcoming Shows at VLHS!! Dec. '12- Feb- -'13

VLHS (Vince Lombardi High School) is a DIY Punk venue in Pomona California
The location is secret! For directions, ask a Punk! 
(Go Here)


Punk Pod-Casts: Teenage Bonehead Eps. 8 and 9

Been finding some really good Punk pod-casts out there lately. Teenage Bonehead out of LA quickly became one of my favorites. A couple weeks ago, TB put one of my band's songs (Defective Children) on the podcast ep. 8 with many other sick bands, so I thought I could help out by posting links stuff about TB on my blog and spread the word. There are also a few other Punk pod-casts I've been following lately which I'll be posting about in the next few days.
- Dusty Dirt

Facebook Page:

Teenage Bonehead on Podomatic.com- Episode 9, 11-27-12 "All Vinyl Episode. Back To The 90's"

Track List:
01.Just About Done- Two Peas in a Pod
02.Nothing Cool- The Unluckiest Man in the Universe
03.Slacker- Coffee and Cigarettes
04.The McRackins- Stupid Idiot
05.My Pal Trigger- Tyson
06.After School Special- The Lottery
07.Teen Idols- Let's Make Noise in the Bathroom
08.The Pull Outs- Miscellanea
09.Everready- I'm a Boy
10.Blue Collar Special- Waste My Time
11.Screeching Weasel- I Don't Care Anymore
12.The Proms- She's Coming Over

Teenage Bonehead on Podomatic.com- Episode 8

Track List:
1. Cochinas-Grrls 
2. Flojos-Vino Tormento
3. The Cherry Icees-You Can Take Me Out
4. The Screaming Brain-New Boyfriend
5. Defective Children-Why No Tomorrow
6. Hands Like Bricks- Satellite Phone Calls
7. The Gardelics- I Wanna Spend My Life With You
8. The Mishaps- I Was A Teenage Werewolf
9. Strait A's- Who's It Gonna Be
10. The Hellstroms- Dianne Debris
11. The Panic Beats- Bash His Brains
12. Lugosi- Flinch
13. Moral Crux- Firing Squad
14. The Fratellis- Nobody Likes Me Again
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11/28/12 @ VLHS- Off With Their Heads, French Exit, Turkish Techno, Pu$$y Cow


From: The Party's over Productions Presents


9:00 pm
$7 donation

Pomona, CA

The addy as always is secret.....
message Dusty Dirt(Me) https://www.facebook.com/DustyDirt or

Party Marty https://www.facebook.com/unicornrainbowmagicoverload for the address.
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Off With Their Heads

French Exit

Turkish Techno

Pu$$y Cow

Update: The Future of Punk Not Profit! SoCal

I started this blog about 3 1/2 years ago as a way to promote shows and bands that played at my former residence/venue known to some as "Dusty Dirt House," as well as other shows I was involved with in some fashion. When we started doing shows at my house, the local punk scene around the Inland Empire and SoCal was kind of dying off and it was difficult to find decent spots to have punk shows. I'm sure that my efforts to help bands contributed to Punk music rising up again in SoCal, but there are also many other great people who have taken up the charge to make Punk Rock happen again. Everything is happening and changing really fast these days, I think that maybe because of the state of the nation many people are starting to seek out right-brained creativeness instead of left-brained logic thinking, because what most humans refer to as logic and reason simply doesn't work anymore and people need to find a life with real sustenance.

I really hope this social trend continues. People have been programmed from birth to accept that life is about money and material gain, but now people are realizing that this program is not advanced enough or comparable with what I like to call our "Spiritual Operating System." I and many others feel that evolution has upgraded the human psyche to the point where certain archaic belief systems are quickly becoming irrelevant and exposed for their flaws. Personally, I am not out to teach people how to see the world or what to believe, and I think that knowledge is useless without experience. Everything is intertwined, and my only real objective is to bring out the creative best in myself and others.

The reason I am writing this post today is because in the last few weeks I have been very motivated by the positive actions close friend and other people in the local and world-wide punk scene. Punk is not dead, in fact it has never been more alive. I have been very lucky to live a life of freedom, and I feel that I owe a great debt to everyone else who contributes to fighting for the rights and freedoms of everyone.

From this day forward I plan on taking Punk Not Profit! SoCal into a slightly different direction. So far the posts have been mostly personal endeavors, but now I see a growing need for more people to promote  bands, shows, venues, artists, records, podcasts etc. There's a lot more cool shit going on out there and much easier to find out about thanks to social media and the internet. I suggest to everyone who appreciates art, music, and any other "right-brained" activity to consider helping out the people who create by telling others about their work, and also creating new amazing things on their own.

As always, I welcome new ideas from everyone and love to collaborate on new or on-going projects.If anyone wants to hook-up and do anything hit me up here on blogger or the vast variety of other social arenas you can find me on. To everyone out there living the dream, keep up the good work, never let anyone tell you it doesn't matter or that it is a waste of time. Bad people want to tear you a part and make you feel insignificant, they get off on that. Don't give them any attention, avoid and ignore them, keep moving on.

-Dusty Dirt


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Defective Children- Learning To Grow (2012)

We finished recording this album about 2 months ago. I have been busy but also I wanted to be sure it's everything it should be. I think it's finished, hopefully we will have something on some form on physical media by next year, but for now it is complete and available for free through various online sources.....

If you do punk pod casts, radio shows, can help with a record release or distribution, please contact me and feel free to download our stuff either way.
-Dusty Dirt

On Soundcloud.......

Downloads from Soundcloud are free, if you want to support the band and buy the album, you can do that at bandcamp.com.

We began recording songs for this album in January 2012, and finished in August. I hope that everyone who listens to this album will enjoy it and understands everything we're trying to say.Life is a series of moments, one to the next. In each moment you have many chances to learn many things.... and grow.


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Dear Vegans and Vegetarians......

Dear Vegans and Vegetarians,
Thanks for not eating me this year!
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Wed Sep. 19 2012 Ghost Mouse, Inky Skulls, Mitch The Champion, Gary W., and Moon Bandits, LIVE!! at Viva La Vegan!

Plan-it-X West-Coast "End of the Summer" Acoustic Tour 
Live! at Viva La Vegan Grocery
September 19, 2012


Inky Skulls

Mitch The Champion

Gary W.

Moon Bandits

Vegan Weenie Roast by 
Southern Fried Vegan!!

On Facebook

Viva La Vegan! Grocery 
"World's Largest Vegan Store!"
On The Web

On Facebook

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Defective Children- Economy

They say we're facing a struggling Economy
With the value of the dollar falling businesses
Outsourcing over seas
To save a few bucks and increase profitability
Relying on our impulse to consume, regardless
Of the long term effects it has on personal prosperity

The price of gas is kicking the asses of America's
Poor and middle class we've been hit hard by that
Coupled with the rising cost of food, which wouldn't
Be such a problem if everyone grew it in their front lawns
So the question is will this ever change?
Well, change depends on direct action and not
Avoiding the facts and  rejecting ideologies rooted in
Mistakes of the past

I have a solution for the struggling Economy
Try not to buy anything manufactured in a different country
Purchase your produce from farmers who grow locally
Don't support industries that discourage worker's unions
Your children will thank you for having the dignity

To say "I've had enough!" and make at least a little effort
Even if it seems like one person has no influence
Or power but that's exactly what they want you to assume
In order to maintain the constant threat of impending doom
Until you're completely convinced the only way out of this
Pinch is depending on the elites and their stimulus checks
But I think we just need to use a little more common sense  

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California Assfine

Best vanity plate ever! How did this slip past the DMW?


Defective Children- Maybe There's a Reason

Time is wasted with energy 
and no one can stop them from passing
I've had this feeling for a while,
and for me it's the only thing that is 

Maybe There's a Reason
Maybe not, it's just a thought
Maybe There's a Reason.....

The Daily Dirt ep .1 Talkin' About My Car and Gas

My first viddy for "The Daily Dirt" which will be a series of videos where I explore and discuss topics of the day along with sharing some"real life status updates." I am upside-down in this one, sorry..... 


Jeff Ott- You Are

A wise man said,
Today is a good day to die
A wise man said,
To call a life that's run on fear a life at all.... is a lie
All the men say, everything is impossible 
So you better shut up boy, get back in line

I saw a flier on a pole, and it said..... Everything is a Lie

We've had 5,000 years of Matriarchal linage
We've had 5,000 years of patriarchy too........
Welcome to the end of the beginning,
Welcome to the beginning of the end.

Welcome to 5,000 years of rule by children......

No churches anymore
No more my "god's the only god war"
No churches anymore
No more selling tickets to the door of heaven
No churches anymore, no more hard sell,
With the threat of hell and never ending torture
No churches anymore, cuz the only sin, the only sin,
The only sin is division........ Division

I don't need Jesus Christ, 
Don't need Muhammad to find God 'cuz God is all around me
I don't need no book, don't need no master, 'cuz God is everything
We have tended to perceive deity in terms of having control
We will now learn to be a shining...................Sliver of a hope

We have an awesome responsibility 
The understand that we are deity, cuz we are
So please don't misunderstand me
When I say....... You Are God, cuz You Are God
It doesn't mean that you run the show,
It only means that you are part of the whole

If we take responsibility 
We will awaken to our divinity 

You Are God.....You Are not in control........You Are part of the whole
You Are God.....You Are not in control........You Are part of the whole 

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Dusty Dirt- "Baby, You're a Rich Man" by The Beatles

Dusty Dirt- Thunder Cloud

Danger fills the sky
Darkness blocks out the sunlight
Thunderbird has arrived
Shooting lightening from his eyes
With his wings he brings the Thunder Clouds
Rain and hail fall to the ground
Drowning evil beings, giving life to living things

And my spirit is a Thunder Cloud
Rolling over all the tall and proud
Afraid, they run and hide or stay inside when I'm around
And do not think that I will find where they reside and break them down

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Dusty Dirt- Rose Room Sessions, Acoustic Cover Songs Part I "Drums" by Johnny Cash, "Chesterfield King" by Jawbreaker and "Run Away" by Del Shannon

"Drums" by Johnny Cash

"Chesterfield King" by Jawbreaker

"Runaway" by Del Shannon